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We offer non-resident Jordanians living abroad the opportunity to open accounts in Jordan or in any of our branches across our regional network easily with fast and simple procedures just by visiting any of our branches in Jordan or in their country of residence. This service is also available to any of our customers who would like to open accounts at any of our branches in the region*. The account comes with a host of benefits including:

  • Free money transfers across our regional network, available for “Elite” and “Arabi Premium” customers
  • A wide range of competitive products and services available across our regional network
  • Free online access to all your accounts in Jordan and abroad through our Internet Banking service "Arabi Online" & our mobile application "Arabi Mobile"

Free online access to all your accounts in Jordan and abroad through our Internet Banking service "Arabi Online" & our mobile application "Arabi Mobile".
You can open accounts in the UAE, Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Palestine and Bahrain from any of our branches in Jordan.

To view how you can open a new account 
Press here.

* Terms & conditions apply.