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  • 35027 - EFAWATEERcom campaign


eFAWATEERcom is a bill payment service supported by Central bank of Jordan and available on our Internet Banking service "Arabi Online", "Arabi Mobile" app, ATM networks. Or as a direct payment method through "eFAWATEERcom" portal. With this service, you will have the ability to inquire and make payments to a wide range of billers on the spot. You can also create your own profile and manage your bills accordingly. 

The service enables you to: 

  • Create a unique “eFAWATEERcom” profile which is accessible whenever you logon to "Arabi Online" service or "Arabi Mobile" app. 
  • Add/Delete any bills on your “eFAWATEERcom” profile. 
  • Inquire about any of your due bills instantly. 
  • Pay to any of your bills where the payments will be instantly credited to your biller’s account.
  • View the history of all payments made using the “eFAWATEERcom” service 

To start using the service right away, you simply need to login to "Arabi Online" service and select the “eFAWATEERcom” tab or through the "Arabi Mobile" app after selecting “eFAWATEERcom” tab from the side menu.  

For more information, please call our Customer Care Center on 4600900