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Terms & Conditions

The Special Terms of Online Internet Banking Service (Arabi Online)


  • Bank: Arab Bank plc or any branches abroad.
  • Customer: A national or legal resident. In the singular or plural forms.
  • Working Day: A day on which the Bank is open and provides its services.
  • Service: The Online Internet Banking Service.

These terms related to Online Internet Banking are applied in so far as they do not conflict with the Manual of General and Special Terms for Dealing with The Accounts and The Banking and Electronic Services.

  • The Bank is offering this service through the Internet, utilizing the leading security measures, but the Bank is not responsible for any errors that may occur due to the unprotected and open nature of the Internet networks. Therefore, the customer shall be solely responsible for all risks inherent in, or resulting from using the service which the customer has subscribed to.
  • The customer will be fully responsible for the maintenance of their PC, operations and communications costs.
  • The customer will be responsible for any failure in hardware / software that customer uses to access the service or any software / hardware that may negatively affect service security and/or service effectiveness or any PC viruses that may expose customer's credentials.
  • The customer may request to cancel the service by written request to the Bank. The Bank has the right to suspend the service at any time partially, and for any period of time without any prior notice to the customer, and without giving any reasons. In case the service is suspended completely the customer will be informed thereof.
  • The Bank will not be responsible in the event of irregularity of the service, if non-operational or if inaccurate information is given through the service. 
  • The Bank may share information about the customer internally to provide the customer with information about new services.
  • The Bank shall have the right not to perform any funds transfers if the customer does not have sufficient balance in the account he/she designated, at the time the order is to be performed, or if the transfer amount exceeds the daily transfer limit.
  • Transfers are conducted automatically on the day specified by the customer if the transfer is to Arab Bank Branches in the same country, or on the following two "business days" if otherwise. The amount will be debited from the customer's account on execution day and at the prevailing exchange rate.
  • The Bank shall have the right to change the daily transfer limit at anytime without prior customer's approval.
  • The customer can cancel any recurring payment (which is set to be repeated at specific intervals) or any future payment (which is set to be executed on future dates) if not executed by the service.
  • If the service is canceled upon customer's request or for any other reason, the recurring payment / future payment will be automatically canceled.
  • On termination of the Online Internet Banking Service (Arabi Online), the customer must return the TOKEN device (if any) back to the Bank.
  • Customer can not cancel any financial transaction that was requested and executed using the service.
  • The Internet Banking Service (Arabi Online) allows the customer to request a cheque book which is subject to study by the Bank. In the case it is approved, the customer shall check with the branch with which he/she deals to receive the book, or it will be sent to him/her by mail when he/she agrees to this.
  • If the customer subscribes to the Third Party Funds Transfer Service, by virtue of this application, the customer alone shall bear any responsibility that may arise as a result of debiting his/her account by using the service, or transferring any amount to another customer's account by mistake, and the Bank has the right to deny execution of any transfer request to third parties upon its sole discretion and the customer waives his/her right to raise any objections.
  • i. When the customer selects to subscribe to the Personal Services, the Bank will provide the customer with a sealed envelope containing a User name, First Password to access and operate the service. 
    ii. When the customer logs on to the service for the first time, the service prompts the customer to change his/her User name and First Password mentioned in term (a) above.
  • The customer who subscribed for the Third Party Funds Transfer Service is required to select a second password to confirm the following transactions:
    • Funds Transfers to a third party.
    • Payments to Arab Bank Credit Cards held by a third party.
    • Special Instructions.
  • The customer shall pay the fees / charges set by the Bank for any internal or external funds transfer, Cheque book issuance, balance certificate, bill payment or any other service.
  • If the customer suspects any transaction recorded in his/her financial transactions history / within the service options, the customer must inform the Bank within 15 days, otherwise, the transaction is deemed to be performed on customer's behalf. Once reported the Bank will investigate the matter, and will perform a thorough investigation. The customer will provide the Bank with his/her name, account number and transaction reference number and the customer will be informed of the result of these investigations as soon as possible.
  • The secure mail in the Online Internet Banking Service (Arabi Online), is a means of acceptable dealing between the Bank and the customer The customer must send secure messages to the Bank through this service only. The customer is considered a recipient of any message the Bank sends to the customer through the secure mail, and may not maintain banking confidentially if any information leaks and/or is conveyed to others.
  • Customer can register online to the service by using the dedicated link at Arab Bank Websites and by using his/her visa electron and PIN. The services offered will be limited to the Personal Services.
  • In case the customer entered his/her Visa Electron PIN incorrectly more often than allowed during the online registration, the online registration service will be de-activated and customer can reactivate the service by calling the Customer Contact Center or visiting any branch.
  • The service will be automatically locked in case log in password was entered incorrectly more often than allowed. The customer will have to refer to any of the Bank branches to re-activate the service.
  • In case the customer entered the second password incorrectly more often than allowed, the Third Party Funds Transfer Service will be blocked. Customer can request to unblock / reissue the Third Party Funds Transfer Service by filling an application at any branch.
  • The customer should change the passwords periodically upon receiving them, and he/she is fully responsible for safeguarding his/her Visa Electron Card, User Name, Password(s), PIN and TOKEN device and any other information provided to him/her by the Bank. The customer undertakes to keep the relevant User Name, Password(s), PIN and TOKEN device as confidential and private, and keep them in separate secure places, and not to release them to anyone. The customer should exercise extreme caution when using the service on a PC in a public place or others sets. The Bank shall not assume any responsibility or harm that may arise as a consequence to the misuse of this Service or due to the customer's breach of this obligation.
  • In case customer's TOKEN device is lost/ stolen/ damaged, the customer must report the incident to the Bank immediately so that the Bank will stop the service. To re-activate the service, the customer must apply to issue a new TOKEN device and the customer shall pay any expenses or commissions arising therefrom as decided by the Bank. 
  • The customer understands completely that the Visa Electron card number and PIN, user name, passwords and TOKEN are considered the identification means to verify the customer's identity. Therefore, all transactions performed using them and anyone using them will be considered as performed by the customer. The customer shall be liable for all transactions performed by using his/her identification means and responsible for any change, loss or transfer of any of such means to others until such time as the Bank is able to suspend the service by a written notice received from the customer.
  • In case the customer suspects that another party is tampering with his/her accounts through the service, or he/she doubts that his/her Visa Electron card number / PIN, user name and passwords are compromised by some other parties, the customer must inform the Bank of this matter as soon as possible in writing or by the mean agreed upon between the customer and the Bank. The customer shall be liable for any harm that may result due to the use of the Visa Electron card number / PIN, user name and passwords until the date of informing the Bank.
  • Accounts opening through the service:
    • Customer can only open Savings and Current accounts.
    • In case the customer opened a new account, he/she will be committed to transfer the minimum amount required for opening that account.
    • Customer agrees that the same account information, authorized signature and correspondence address of his/her existing account(s) will apply for the new account he/she requested to open using this service.
  • Stopping a cheque(s) using the service:
    • This service allows the customer to stop a cheque(s) which is limited for stolen / lost cheque only, and does not cover disputed cheque(s).
    • In case a customer stopped disputed cheques as stolen or lost, he/she will be fully responsible for this action and the Bank will not be held responsible for any liabilities or consequences that may arise as a result of this action.
  • The Internet Banking Service (Arabi Online) allows the customer to register for Hala Arabi (Phone Banking Service), The registration will be limited to Personal services.
  • The Bank shall have the right to change the instructions after prior notice to the customer (electronically / in writing) to customer's address held with the Bank. If the customer uses the service after the change of the instructions with no written / electronic objection, the customer will be considered as agreeing thereto. Also, the Bank has the right to change the technology used in the service(s) offered without prior notice and without giving any reasons to the customer.
  • The Bank offers the service as per the set Bank Instructions.